For several decades now, VOICEMAIL GREETING STOPPERS, located on all phone keypads, have been an EXTREMELY reliable time-saving tool for outbound B2B calls that result in loyal customer voicemail. The challenge has been that if an outbound phone rep knew what VOICEMAIL GREETING STOPPERS even was, the rep almost always had no idea which one successfully halted the voicemail greeting. We provide that answer for you!
Armed with that information, there's no need for outbound phone sales reps to resort to wasting time waiting for loyal customer voicemail greetings to finish or recklessly utilizing a poorly suited cold call tool, manual voicemail drop, to save time!! Instead, at the mere push of the correct VOICEMAIL GREETING STOPPER, reps can instantly stop the time-consuming voicemail greeting, leave their highly personalized, not prerecorded, voice message and quickly make the next outbound call. This works over 96% of the time!! Over time, Voicemail Greeting Stoppers save hundreds of precious hours to sell, enable thousands more outbound sales phone calls to high close-rate loyal customers, result in hundreds of additional upselling and cross-selling sales, strengthen customer retention along with SO MANY other great benefits. In addition, the value of these outstanding benefits pleasantly DOUBLES as calls are made to loyal customers in Quebec since BOTH the French and the English voicemail greetings are eliminated! (Please see our Benefits page for the complete list!!!).
VOICEMAIL GREETING STOPPERS LLC Is a one-of-a-kind, very specialized sales enablement service owned and operated by Matt Dunn. He possesses 35 years of experience in B2B account management and inside sales working for The Washington Post, McGraw-Hill, and Macromedia, smashing call output records, winning a CEO award, dozens of quarterly and other sales awards, and earning top sales rep status within large sales teams, in large part due to time-rescuing VOICEMAIL GREETING STOPPERS. He possesses 25 years of experience uncovering, analyzing, and successfully implementing time-saving VOICEMAIL GREETING STOPPERS, having individually executed over a half-million B2B sales phone calls. He has a BA from SUNY Albany.
Armed with that information, there's no need for outbound phone sales reps to resort to wasting time waiting for loyal customer voicemail greetings to finish or recklessly utilizing a poorly suited cold call tool, manual voicemail drop, to save time!! Instead, at the mere push of the correct VOICEMAIL GREETING STOPPER, reps can instantly stop the time-consuming voicemail greeting, leave their highly personalized, not prerecorded, voice message and quickly make the next outbound call. This works over 96% of the time!! Over time, Voicemail Greeting Stoppers save hundreds of precious hours to sell, enable thousands more outbound sales phone calls to high close-rate loyal customers, result in hundreds of additional upselling and cross-selling sales, strengthen customer retention along with SO MANY other great benefits. In addition, the value of these outstanding benefits pleasantly DOUBLES as calls are made to loyal customers in Quebec since BOTH the French and the English voicemail greetings are eliminated! (Please see our Benefits page for the complete list!!!).
VOICEMAIL GREETING STOPPERS LLC Is a one-of-a-kind, very specialized sales enablement service owned and operated by Matt Dunn. He possesses 35 years of experience in B2B account management and inside sales working for The Washington Post, McGraw-Hill, and Macromedia, smashing call output records, winning a CEO award, dozens of quarterly and other sales awards, and earning top sales rep status within large sales teams, in large part due to time-rescuing VOICEMAIL GREETING STOPPERS. He possesses 25 years of experience uncovering, analyzing, and successfully implementing time-saving VOICEMAIL GREETING STOPPERS, having individually executed over a half-million B2B sales phone calls. He has a BA from SUNY Albany.